The Space Industry and Educational Philanthropy

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The space industry and philanthropy may not be something that most people consider as a natural partnership. However, philanthropic practices and space organizations are helping to fuel investments in civilian space education, scientific advancement and business support that is helping to propel the NewSpace sector forward.

Below are some of the most prominent organizations within the space industry that are helping to evolve space education and research to build a more prominent future amongst the stars.

The Planetary Society 

One of the largest and most effective nonprofit organizations that center around space exploration, The Planetary Society empowers the everyday citizens’ to advance space science and exploration. With a firm belief that the future of space exploration depends on public support and participation, The Planetary Society collaborates on a worldwide movement for space. They engage a network of global members, volunteers and partners who harness opportunities to connect with decision-makers, experts and influencers in the space industry. The society also advocates and helps shape space policy, empowering space advocates to get involved through resources and opportunities. They also advocate for a NASA budget that seeks science-driven planetary exploration by humans and robots, while promoting NewSpace policy solutions.

National Space Grant Foundation 

The National Space Grant Foundation (NSGF) supports the Space Grant Consortia in every state to carry out education, research, and public outreach activities in STEM and other fields, related to space, aeronautics, aviation, and Earth system science. Their mission is to support the financial and governmental aid available to Space Grant Consortia, which represents every state, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Every consortia includes groups of colleges, universities and businesses and other private or public institutions that work together to improve aerospace education and career training. Those opportunities include student scholarships, fellowships and traineeships. It also provides support to faculty and students to develop career skills in the aerospace fields. Aligned with NASA, it even offers experiential learning opportunities. Among their goals, they enhance public interest in aerospace disciplines and lifelong learning through partnerships with educational institutions at all levels, which is meant for the direct improvement of the U.S. space program.

Space Foundation 

Established in 1983, this nonprofit advocates for space education, information and collaboration centering on space exploration and space-related industries. Using a partnership model, the Space Foundation operates three divisions that bring together an entire space ecosystem of stakeholders in business, government education and local communities. Corporate membership, sponsorships, fundings and grants help support the foundation’s projects. The organizations’ Center for Innovation and Education is a lifelong learning platform that provides workforce development and economic opportunities for students, teachers, professionals and business owners. Significantly, the foundation works to inspire the next generation of space leaders, improve space-related education and develop skills in STEM.

Space for Humanity
Seeking to expand access to space for all humanity, the Space for Humanity organization focuses on changing perspectives and training today’s leaders for tomorrow as they work to ensure an inclusive future in the space industry. Hosting the first Sponsored Citizen Astronaut Program, leaders from all backgrounds can apply for an opportunity to reach space and experience the Overview Effect. Each year a new crew is selected from a diverse group of leaders across the globe. Upon their return, each citizen astronaut advances their commitment to using that experience for the collective good. With strong collaborative efforts to educate the public, train leaders in the field, they are setting the stage to create an integrated ecosystem on Earth and in space.


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