Spotlight on the Colorado Gerontological Society


The Colorado Gerontological Society is a non-profit organization that provides information, assistance, and advocacy to seniors throughout Colorado. In this article, we look at the vital work the organization carries out supporting seniors, families, and local communities.


The Colorado Gerontological Society is a service-focused organization.

This 501(c)(3) organization not only supports seniors but provides valuable education and networking opportunities for professionals in the field of aging. Older adults and their families are invited to contact the Colorado Gerontological Society for help regarding nursing home placements, housing options, and food supplies, as well as questions regarding health insurance and locating a geriatric physician.

Counselors from the society work with members of the public to identify problems, prioritize solutions, and arrange services, which may be provided by Colorado Gerontological Society staff or by other organizations or agencies.

In addition to providing counseling and referrals, the Colorado Gerontological Society assists seniors with completion and filing of forms for government benefits, such as food stamps, Medicaid, Social Security, tax rebates, supplemental insurance, and Medicare benefits. The society also administers grant assistance programs, providing financing for hearing aids, dental treatment, and eye care for people over the age of 60 in the Denver metro area.

The Colorado Gerontological Society is also a professional membership organization.

The Society connects professionals working in the eldercare industry, including geriatric physicians, social workers, and health care organizations. The organization leads advocacy efforts, hosts training programs, and provides coordination and networking opportunities for professionals.

As part of Colorado Gerontological Society’s mission to serve the community of professionals in this field, the organization presents several awards, including the Corporate Award, Professional Aging Award, Distinguished Pioneer in Aging Award, and the AI Berger Community Service Award.

The Henry W. Welch Scholarship

As part of its commitment to supporting the field of gerontology, each year the society awards students at Colorado colleges and universities with the Henry W. Welch Scholarship in Aging. The scholarship program is named in honor of one of the Society’s cofounders.

As an employee with the Metropolitan Council for Community Services, Dr. Welch served seniors and families in communities across Colorado. He was particularly successful in community organization. In 1977, working in collaboration with the federal Administration on Aging, Dr. Welch helped establish the University of Denver’s Institute of Gerontology.

Dr. Welch is regarded as a pioneer in his field as his dedication and commitment to aging services spanned more than 40 years. The Henry Welch Scholarship Fund was created to continue his vision of advancing professional knowledge and understanding in the field of aging.

The aim of the scholarship is to encourage academic study in the field of aging, particularly social work and public policy as well as relevant medical fields, such as psychology, nursing, physical therapy, geriatrics, gerontology, and pharmacy. The Colorado Gerontological Society welcomes applications from students of other fields, but they must show a keen focus on working with the elderly. The award provides $1,000 per academic year.

Projects and Programs

As part of its efforts to serve Colorado’s seniors, the society has implemented a full spectrum of programs to educate seniors and the public, provide direct assistance, and offer help with navigating government benefits. These programs:

  • Provide application forms for various public benefits.

  • Offer counseling on enrolling in Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance.

  • Educate seniors and their families on the differences between nursing homes, assisted living residences, and retirement communities, and help families make the best choice for their needs.

  • Offer resources for caregiving and support for caregivers

  • Direct seniors to geriatric physicians and medical specialists in their area.

  • Assist with nursing home placements.

  • Help senior clients complete and file tax and insurance claim forms.

  • Provide limited grant assistance to older clients on lower income to finance dental work, hearing aids, and eyeglasses.

  • Bring advance care planning to Colorado families.

Elder Abuse Reporting Workshops

On July 1, 2014, new laws came into force in Colorado. These were expanded on July 1, 2016. Under the new legislation, the reporting of abuse against “at risk” adults became mandatory for certain individuals. Mandatory reporters include counselors, medical professionals, social workers, spiritual leaders, law enforcement agencies, financial organizations, and many others.

The Colorado Gerontological Society stages regular workshops where mandatory reporters can learn about the new legislation and how it impacts their organization. These workshops cover issues such as:

  • Recognizing the different forms of elder abuse.

  • The responsibilities of mandatory reporters.

  • The process for reporting suspected elder abuse and who to contact.

  • When to involve law enforcement.

  • When to make a referral to Adult Protective Services.

Community Resources

The Colorado Gerontological Society is dedicated to helping seniors and their families, as well as the people who care for and work with them. Growing older comes with a unique set of concerns and needs, but the society is there to help older adults navigate these changes and have a happy, healthy and fulfilling retirement.


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