How Melinda Gates’ Giving Plans are Evolving

For many years, Melinda French Gates has been committed to using her wealth to help others. Melinda has been a major supporter of at least ten different foundations (including a few of her own, which we'll discuss later), supporting over 23 charitable causes from civil rights and gender equality to conservation and disaster relief. 

Recently, in an interview with Gayle King, Melinda remarked, "If you are lucky enough to be a billionaire, believe me, you can give away half of it and not change your life. And we should."

Even in the wake of her split with her world-renowned husband, it doesn't seem like Melinda's generous giving spirit has faltered a bit. If anything, this philanthropist is only getting started.

Melinda's History in Philanthropy

Even as a teenager, Melinda took an active role in giving back to her community. Volunteering at her local courthouse and a nearby school opened her eyes to the severely unequal distribution of opportunity in her community, country, and the world. 

Growing up "in a family and community with a strong moral core," she spent a lot of time immersed in understanding the importance of social justice and responsibility to make life better for others. 

In 2000, Melinda co-founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, establishing it as "a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world." The foundation has worked for over twenty years to address poverty, education and healthcare in over 130 countries.

Melinda also established Pivotal Ventures in 2015 to advance social progress and support women and families in the United States. This foundation continues to be a major focus for her as we move further into 2022, but Melinda has more up her sleeve.

Moving Forward for a Cause

Melinda is making every effort to be more involved than ever before. While she remains dedicated to the generous efforts she's supported over the last two decades; she's also steadfast in taking on a more active role in her charitable efforts.

"I commit to doing more than writing checks," she stated in her most recent pledge published for The Giving Pledge, "I also commit my time, energy, and efforts to the work of fighting poverty and advancing equality—for women and girls and other marginalized groups—in the United States and around the world."

Melinda's giving has always consistently supported those whose barriers to equality are the greatest. Right now, it looks like she's focusing that effort in a way that hits home for many of us. 

Recently, Melinda has been spotted working alongside Ai-Jen Poo, the Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. The foundation is avidly pushing for proper recognition, policies and systems for the domestic workers that keep our country afloat. 

Domestic workers provide critical, specialized services like childcare and home care for the elderly. Currently, these workers, who are overwhelmingly women of color, spend their time caring for other families while making a wage that cannot support their own. Melinda and Ai-Jen are working to change that.

A Generous Legacy

Without givers like Melinda, foundations like the National Domestic Workers Alliance can't meet their goals or change any lives. That's why Melinda calls on other wealthy Americans to join her in sharing their wealth. 

"I believe the only responsible thing to do with a fortune this size is give it away — as thoughtfully and impactfully as possible," Melinda stated, suggesting that the concentration of so much wealth in the hands of one individual seems absurd. In her opinion, the ultimate goal of any philanthropist should be to "render the need for philanthropy obsolete." 

At the pace Melinda is moving, it certainly seems like she's aiming to reach that goal sooner than later. Ultimately, Melinda feels the most accurate measure of her success will be the world's ability to embrace and pursue progress long after she's gone. 

By continuing in her massively generous support to improving the lives of others, Melinda is poised to make a significant statement in the world of giving and an even bigger impact on the people it touches.


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